

"We had an amazing experience with Jen. Her gentle methods and services came highly recommended by two different friends, and now I understand why. Jen's approach is not only effective but also considerate of the individual needs of both parents and child. I highly recommend her to anyone seeking a sleep consultant. Our family is grateful for the positive changes she has brought to our sleep."

— Sandra (Ernie, 2 years)

“After 14 months of sleep deprivation I had enough clarity to engage Jen in helping us on our path to sanity. Jen’s approach is warm, gentle, non-judgemental & most importantly worked within weeks. We now have a toddler who sleeps 12+ hours over night and naps like a dream. We couldn’t have done it without you Jen!”
— Sam (Hugh, 14 months)

“Jen is the go-to baby whisperer in our extended family - helping children across three families (within our extended family) sleep better. She took Luca from co-sleeping to sleeping through the night in his own room. Her approach is caring, flexible and family centric. We can’t recommend her more!!”

– Will (Luca, 11 months)

“I can’t recommend Jen highly enough. We came to her with a 6 month old who was cat napping, co sleeping and waking constantly overnight to feed. With 2 older children as well, we were absolutely exhausted. With Jen’s guidance, expertise and encouragement Ella is now self settling and sleeping through the night in her own bed. It felt like such an impossible task at the start and we can’t believe what we achieved in such a short amount of time. Jen is truly a miracle worker!”
— Lauren (Ella, 6 months)

“Working with Jen was a game changer for our family. She has done the seemingly impossible, helping our 2.5 year old get to sleep independently. We now have our evenings back and couldn’t be more grateful.”

— Skye (Isabel, 2.5 years)

“Absolutely life changing. My 8 month old daughter transitioned from waking every two hours to sleeping 10 hours straight, within two weeks. Jen’s gentle, caring and systematic approach is tailored to every family’s unique context and is based on current medical research.”

— Eloise C (Lily, 8 months)

“If you’re in a place where you’re not quite ready to take the next step, THIS IS YOUR SIGN! We had an almost 2 year old who was waking 4 times a night after our 2nd was born, to sleeping in our bed every night from 2am because hey that’s what you to do survive when the going gets tough. We now have an almost 2 year old who self settles, sleeps through and wakes up so happy! Thank you Jen!!!! It was an incredible journey of roughly 4 weeks, it was gentle, at our pace and a complete non judgmental experience. I will be calling her when our 2nd hits 6 months because you won’t know yourself having a baby that SLEEPS!!!! Book Jen NOW!”

— Olivia (Albie, 1 year 8 months)

“I couldn’t have asked for a more lovely person to work with. Jen’s patience and kindness really went above and beyond what I could have expected!”

— Tessa (River, 7 months)

“Jen is absolutely amazing! My 2y10mo was taking up to 2 hours to fall asleep at night. With baby number 2 on the way, we knew we needed to get her sleep sorted asap. Jen knew exactly what we needed and gave us all the tools to help. Bedtime is a breeze now, and it has made the transition to 2 kids super easy! I can’t recommend her enough 😘”
— Phoebe (Dottie - 2 years 10months)

“Jen is AMAZING. I got in contact with Jen as I was still waking 3 times a night to my 9 month old baby girl who would only go back to sleep if I fed her every time. I was exhausted to say the least and I needed to get myself and my families life back on track.
Jen’s structured plan was made to suit Isla’s needs but also factoring other family commitments. She made sure every day I was staying on track, and encouraging me when I was feeling low and doubtful.
We had so many set back throughout the weeks but Jen never worried about our progress, we were still doing so well, every day we were learning and improving.
I’m so so happy that after 6 long weeks my baby girl is sleeping through the night, and myself and my family finally feel like we have found our groove. I can’t thank Jen enough for staying by our side and being present through it all. 10/10 totally recommend 😘”

— Khayla (Isla, 9 months)

"Enlisting the help of Jen with our 9 month old was truly life changing for our family. The thought of sleep training was daunting at the start as we had a lot to work on (Lottie was in our bed, feeding to sleep multiple times a night and was overtired throughout the day and evening) but Jen assured us we would take a gentle approach and it worked! Jen’s evidenced based method was personalised to suit our family’s busy lifestyle which was perfect for us; Nick would be working late sometimes as well as many trips away but Jen supported us through it all. Her warm and friendly nature was just the support we needed.
The most valuable support was the real-time contact which allowed us to trouble shoot at the time, as-well as her constant encouragement and check-ins. We cannot thank her enough for helping us through this parenting stage. We have our evenings back and a happy little sweet sleeper! We are recommending her as a MUST for all our friends entering parenthood"

— Lindsey and Nick (Lottie, 9 months)

“Our experience with Jen was nothing short of amazing. Our little boy was waking every 2-3 hours for the first 9 months of his life. However, after only a few days of working with Jen (I know this sounds unbelievable… we still can’t believe it ourselves!) he was sleeping through the night – and has been ever since! I cannot thank her enough for the support and guidance she has shown me through this process – not only did she impart valuable suggestions, she also validated my approach, and gave me the confidence to further implement the strategies to help him sleep. I cannot recommend her services enough! She has truly made a positive impact on our little family.”

— Jess (Archie, 9 months)

“We are so glad that we sought Jen's advice after reading her amazing reviews. It was so great to have a third party look at our situation and identify areas we could improve on. Her approach is really relaxed and there is no judgement whatsoever. It was so great to talk with another mother and have our concerns validated - rather than dismissing them as ‘normal’. Her advice showed improvements in as little as a few days, and not long after that our 11 month old son was sleeping through the night consistently and has done ever since. My only regret is not speaking with her sooner! From the bottom of our hearts THANK YOU!!!!!"

— Bec (Leroy, 11 months)

“The minute I was on the phone to Jen I felt better. Her approach is calm, understanding and thoughtful. The best thing though- we got results! Both my children had different sleeping issues and they were solved within a week or two of the Sweet Sleepers program.”

— Tali (Baxter, 2yrs & Arabella, 4yrs)

“I just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU for all over your help over the past month. You helped me so much with settling Imogen. We were getting to a point of hours of settling to sleep and it was becoming very stressful for us all.
Jen has so much great knowledge and her approach is so gentle. She is very caring and understanding and each time we would chat about how Imogen was progressing I would feel at ease knowing I was on the right track to great sleep. She is such a happier baby because of it. Thanks for always being so supportive of my parenting choices.
Since we’ve finished the program Imogen has gone into leaps and bounds with her sleep. We even have both kids in bed by 6:30pm. We can’t believe it and we all feel recharged because we are ALL getting sleep. I can’t recommend your program enough!”

— One very happy Mumma, Sarah (Imogen, 6 months)

“When we contacted Jen, our little 2 year old had gone from a great sleeper to a very unsettled bub who was waking multiple times and often ending up in our bed each night. We had hit an all time high with sleep deprivation, and alongside this, were expecting our second child, so we desperately needed to get the household back in order.
For the next few weeks Jen was by our side, encouraging us to be consistent with her methods – and by the third night our little girl was back to sleeping through the night. It was like magic!
Since then, we have used Jen’s techniques to help Isla transition through changes (ie – holidays and the addition of her baby brother) and they have never failed.
I couldn’t recommend her more highly- she is the baby whisperer! Thank you Jen xxx”

— Alex (Isla, 2 years)

“We cannot thank or recommend Jen highly enough for the support she has provided to us and our 2.5 year old son. At 5 months pregnant with my second bub, my previously great sleeper began resisting bedtime, waking overnight, refusing naps and wanting to start the day at 4am.
I was recommended Jen from a friend and from our first conversation I felt completely reassured and confident that she could get us back on the right track. And, sure enough, within just a day or two of following her recommendations we began to see improvements and, two weeks on, we are so grateful to have an excellent sleeper again, who goes down for his nap and bedtime happily and sleeps soundly for 12 hours through the night. In fact, he is better than he has ever been, and our sanity has been restored and our evenings are completely stress free.
I will not hesitate to engage Jen again if my either my son or his new little brother or sister hit challenges with sleep because we know she will guide and support us every step of the way to quickly reinstate good habits, which is the best thing for everybody. Thank you, Jen!”

— Nicola (Henry, 2.5 years)

“In September 2021, I was a new mum with such high expectations of myself. My beautiful son was happy and the light of our lives but waking every 45 minutes every single night. I was cruel to myself in not wanting to accept help as I felt as though I should know what he needed and how to get my baby to sleep. I reached breaking point and decided it was time for change, however, I was scared and nervous about seeking help. I felt guarded about letting someone else take the lead in teaching my baby to sleep.
And then… Along came Jen.
Jen has such a kind, gentle and passionate approach to supporting parents and their little ones through the journey to becoming babies who sleep through the night. Jen was relentless in devoting her time and compassion to us every day. After such a short time and some subtle but consistent changes, our boy was sleeping for 12 hours every night.
We will never know how to truly thank Jen for literally changing our lives. Once our son had learned to gently fall asleep for the night, he hit so many developmental milestones and woke up in the morning feeling so happy. We enjoyed our evenings with wine and dinner together and started to find our balance again as well.
Thank you so much Jen. You truly changed our lives!”

— Bree and Matt (Finn, 7 months)

“Before Jen came into our lives we were not a happy family. We had this gorgeous baby boy but we were struggling to enjoy him because we were all so sleep deprived. He would either be rocked or fed to sleep, waking up to 8 times a night and would spend hours of the night asleep on us in bed as it was the only way any of us were getting any sleep. During the day he would sleep a max of 23 mins before waking and needing to be resettled. I felt I had no break and spent my whole life rocking my baby to sleep in my arms for very little reward. I was desperate for help. I had read so many different sleep plans and gathered so much information that I was overwhelmed at knowing where to start. 

Then came Jen. She has such a beautiful manner and is gentle in her approach. After working with Jen we were amazed how after such a short time we cut out the rocking and feeding to sleep, we had a baby going to bed at 7pm and waking at 7am, and having 3 good naps including up to 2.5 hours at a time. Jen was with us every step of the way, guiding us through each day as it played out and helping us to learn how to best approach each situation. We could not recommend Jen more highly. She has literally changed our lives and we will be forever grateful!”

— Mia (Huxley, 7 months)

“After months of sleepless nights from our daughter waking multiple times during the night either by having night terrors or simply looking for cuddles, we engage Jen to help us overcome this issue.  

Within a few nights we experienced a noticeable improvement and after a few weeks our daughter was sleeping through the night; and so was everyone else!!

We highly recommend Jen and her approach. If you’re reading this review, take the next step and contact Jen. You will be truly grateful for doing so.”

— John and Crystal (Amelia, 3 years)

“Jen has given me the strength and support to change things that I would not have considered were having a detrimental impact on my two babies sleeping. I didn’t expect to get so much support and encouragement in reaching out to her. Jen speaks from personal and professional knowledge and experience. She does this while being an amazing mother to her own family and also another mother support to me. Her gentle persistence, particularly with my eldest child’s strong will got us to see the changes I was hoping for. Within a couple of months, there is a sense of ease within the house. Our families relationship’s have strengthened with one another. Having Jen in our lives has impacted our family on so many levels. Thanks for everything you have done and continue to do Jen.”

— Julie (Elodie, 12 months & Amelia, 3 years)

“Prior to working with Jen, we were rocking our 2 year old son to sleep for sometimes hours at a time, co-sleeping and awake 2-4 times a night with feeds. My back was aching and I was beyond exhausted. Jen spent a few weeks working with us and we now have a son who can self-settle and sleeps through the night! What an amazing change we experienced in such a short amount of time. What I loved most about Jen was she made sure we were comfortable with our plan, that it matched our parenting style, moved at a pace which suited us and made me feel so incredibly supported throughout. I could remain with our son throughout the process – he was never left to cry, he loved the positive reinforcement and fared much better than I had anticipated! Being our third child, I felt I knew what I had to do to improve our son’s sleep, but Jen’s help far exceeded my expectations. Not only did she make me accountable (in a positive way) but provided me with so many little tips (and lots of encouragement) throughout that made each transition so much easier. She was always readily available and a constant source of support and encouragement. I couldn’t more highly recommend Jen.”

— Leanne (Jake, 20 months)

We give Jen ten out of ten!”

— Gary (Jake, 20 months)

“Jen has helped me so much with improving my 10 month old daughter’s sleep. She helped us go from waking every night for three to four hours to sleeping through 7pm-6am. She provided the guidance and support that I needed to help my daughter get the sleep she needs, and empathized with me along the way as she has been through this herself. I’m forever grateful for her support and encouragement”

— Eloise G (Ruby, 10 months)

“Jen was super helpful with sorting out my little one’s sleep schedule in a practical and gentle way that matched my parenting style. She provided support every step of the way and helped me understand the theory behind what we were doing and trying to achieve without making me feel rushed at any point. I highly recommend her services to any parent!”

— Caroline (Tara, 6 months)

“Initially when I started working with Jen my priorities for my daughters sleep were completely different to what they are now. Jen tailored my daughters sleep schedule around our priorities, even when they changed, with so much support. I was provided with integral information, an easy to follow schedule, she checked in with me and encouraged me daily. My daughter has started putting herself to sleep through the days so easily and sleeping long periods through the nights, along with a shorter night feed and settling period! Jen always reassured me, she boosted my confidence daily, she recognised the hard work you put in as a mother and she instantly felt like a friend who I could reach out during this program.”

— Mel (Billie, 5 months)

“We want to say the biggest thank you for all your guidance and support. When starting with you our baby girl was only cat napping in things that were moving like the pram, carrier or car. Now I get her down during the day in her cot, happy and ready to go to sleep. To top it off, she now knows when bed time is and goes down with out a fight and sleeps contently throughout the night. 

Jen, you have been so helpful in creating the right sleep space, helped with timing and the right cues for our baby. You have been a magician!!!! Thank you as it’s made our Bub so much more content and the start of this new world of parenthood so much easier.”

— Ali (Zoe)

“I got in contact with Jen when my little boy was about 3 months old. He had been waking every 2 hours during the night. We were so sleep deprived and didn’t know what we were doing wrong. After chatting with Jen she quickly identified some issues and gave us a personalized plan to follow. Within just a few days of following her guidelines he was only waking 2x a night and after two weeks only 1x during the night. Archie was almost instantly a happier baby during the day and my partner and I finally were able to get some rest! Jen is extremely passionate and knowledgeable about what she does and I couldn’t recommend her more!”

— Samantha (Archie, 3 months)

Get a good nights sleep with expert guidance from your tailored program.