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If you’ve made it to my page, I’ve likely been where you are.


My firstborn was a horrendous sleeper. When my second child was born, I told myself I knew better this time, and wouldn’t repeat my ‘mistakes’. Somehow, she was even more difficult, and I was then dealing with two of them at once. I honestly thought I would never sleep again. I dreaded the sun going down, and I dreaded watching it come back up – still awake, eyes dry and gritty from the lack of sleep.

I couldn’t understand why everyone else’s children were sleeping through the night and napping beautifully, while my experience of motherhood seemed to be an endless cycle of trying to get my children to sleep, day and night. My identity became ‘the mum whose kids don’t sleep’ and I was constantly offered well-meaning advice. I was told many times that I simply needed to close the door and let them cry themselves to sleep, even if it took hours. This was completely at odds with my parenting philosophy, and something I couldn’t do.

When I was finally at my absolute breaking point, I realised what I was doing clearly wasn’t working. I couldn’t continue the way things were, but I needed a different solution. I reached out to a gentle sleep consultant for help, and she changed my life. It was through the assistance of this absolute angel of a woman that I began my journey to the holy grail – sleep.

I have a Bachelor of Social Science in Sociology and Psychology, a Diploma of Community Services and during my career have worked across the spectrum of the Community Services Industry from babies through to clients in their 90s.

Since becoming a Mum I discovered how utterly exhausting and overwhelming it can be. I also understand first hand what a huge difference sleep makes to both babies and parents. By changing the way I did things with my children and gently helping them to sleep better, my experience of motherhood, and my experience of my babies, changed completely in ways I couldn’t have imagined. I learned so much about sleep through my challenges with each of them and was inspired to take on further study to become a qualified Sleep Consultant to help other Mums and babies.

If you are struggling and ready to reach out, please send me a message or give me a call for a complimentary chat. I look forward to helping you find the holy grail of sleep again,

Jen x.

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